
We voted for you in good faith
Hoping for a change that would impact our lives in a good way
Understanding the fact that the road ahead would be, not an easy one
Knowing that there would be many a hurdles to cross
And of course the corrupt disciples of the 30 year regime to deal with
We rejoiced when the movement for change finally won
Trusting you to turn our country around, no matter how difficult a job it may be
At first, the power hungry souls remained silent
Waiting and watching for signs
Readying to move in for the kill
At times the allegations border on the line of ridicule
And one year on
The voice of the opposition seems to grow stronger
While your voice seems to move,
further & further away..
Leaving us barely clutching at straws
To justify to ourselves, why we voted for this change
Many a time we wish
That your actions spoke louder than words
And let awareness be created amongst the citizens
Unless giving armor to the opposition
is the life of good governance,
Because its high time dear
That you learn,
Silence is not always golden!

Swine Flu.. Yikes!!

Ever since the news that a citizen of Raa Atoll Inguraidhoo died of the effects of swine flu, I have been in a constant state of ‘panic’ over the lack of awareness amongst ordinary citizens on how rapid the transmission of this virus is, which has effects similar to that of a common cold. Due to its rapid spread throughout the world, risk groups have been identified which include young children and old age people and those who have underlying health conditions which can worsen the effects the H1N1 virus has on our body. And the fact that the person who died had contact with a lot of people during his last few days, few of whom have already been tested positive for H1N1 is quite worrying.

With 12 confirmed cases of the flu in the country, 5 of them still ongoing treatment, the stories of people with high flu visiting the hospitals seem to trickle in. Within such a congested community as ours, prevention of the hike in the number of cases lies within us citizens. We need to be more aware on how this virus transmits, the precautions that we can take and pray that we are spared the effect of this virus which is reported to have mutated to a form that is resistant to the medication that is currently available in the market.

Mass gatherings should be avoided whenever possible, and those who have flu like symptoms should stay at home until the worst is over. It is the nature of us Maldivians to just ride out the cold symptoms with a bunch of Panadol tablets. And even when the cough symptoms persist, with the sound of booming cough bringing tears to the bystanders eyes, even then the policy is to ride the storm out. However, this should not be the case especially when the pilgrims on Hajj would be returning to Male’ within the coming week signaling the start of the Hajj flu season.

Doctors have advised that the best thing we can do now is practice better hygiene, i.e. wash your hands as frequently as possible with soap, preferably a disinfectant soap such as Dettol or Life Bouy, and if one develops flu like symptoms, regardless of the fact that it may or may not be Influenza A, to stay at home and avoid contact with large masses of people and take enough rest so that the body can get on with the job of healing itself.

I was appalled at the thought of the thousands of spectators in the Galolhu Football Stadium on Saturday night, when the exact number of cases of swine flu as well as how the person who died after contracting the disease actually got the virus in the first place remains in a grey area. For now, we should adhere to the advice given out by the health professionals and pray to Allah that our country be spared of this virus that could wipe out a huge chunk of our population if we aren’t careful about it.

The League of the Ex-Atholhuveringe Club

Someone has nurtured them to think they are above the law

and that to no one they have to answer to

It doesn’t help that upper crust of the management have similar issues

of course, it doesn’t help much

when you have been nurtured in a certain way

for the past 30 years!

They are too busy trying to save their face

with the rapid changes that have come about,

rather than tackle the issues that are at hand.

Leaving the gentlemen of the club, to do as they please.

Anyone who has an opinion cannot survive,

they really need to fight it out till the end.

And when its over, the club of gentlemen always wins,

cause no matter what, the league has cast its web of deceit

far and wide amongst the upper crust.

Their management style is unlike anything

I have ever seen.

And they are proud to show it off,

because it keeps those opinionated fools,

who work to change things for the better at bay!

Oh, how  much do I wish we could all just walk away,

and leave the club to run the organization on their own.

I bet they would be floundering and drowning

in their own pile of shit in no time!

But alas, circumstances of us lower class employees

dictate we stick around

and let the spray of shit hit us, when it goes around!

This is dedicated to those few brave employees at the Commission, who fight it out everyday to change things for the better! This one’s for you guys! :)

The Maternal Urge

Being married for quite sometime and having no kids to show for it, I am always bombarded with questions from friends and acquaintances whenever and wherever I see them on pregnancywhether I have kids or not and when I reply that I do not, when I would be trying for one and that my biological clock is ticking and so on. And when it comes to my family members, its a whole other story. They pick on me every chance they get, to get me going on the biological forefront before my non-existent eggs die of shame, because when it comes to babies, although I love them as much as the next person, I really do not have that sense of urgency nor the desperation to have one!

Now some women might find that a tad odd. But I really have no clue why how I feel this way. Recently I had a conversation on the same topic with a close friend of mine, who is at the moment trying to conceive and frankly I am a bit surprised on the turnabout of events, since she is someone who has always craved constant change and challenges in life and wasn’t in the mood to try for a baby the last time I saw her. So in the end  I find that like me, she has no particular urge to have a baby, but the thought that time is flying by and she may never get the chance and all the what could have beens are propelling her towards the whirlpool of baby making.

Maybe my sense of being disconnected from the maternal group might have something to do with the fact that my biological system really doesn’t work like a well greased clock, but rather it just goes on as it pleases. I was diagnosed with PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease) whilst I was in my teens and ever since doctors have advised me on the course of treatments that I would have to take to conceive. Being not so much of a fan on the intake of hormonal medicines that make me grumpy, cranky and the worse kind of person on earth to be around with, I really do not find the thought of going through various medicinal cycles and treatment courses to have a baby. And the tales of how scary the birthing process might turn out to be doesn’t seem to help much as well. Might be that I would regret NOT having this particular urge, but for now I am content with the way things are, and maybe one day before its too late, I too would get a buzz of the maternal fever that seems to catch up with us female species!