Democracy on a Leash!

After the events of February 7th 2012, today, the 30th of August marks one of the darkest days in the Maldivian history after the historical elections held in 2008 which ousted the long term dictator President Maumoon Abdul Gayyoom. The road to democracy wasn’t an easy one, a path that was filled with many a hurdle than one would have dared to think of as the one soul who stood up from the masses i.e. President Mohamed Nasheed braved imprisonment, banishment and many other forms of torture in jail way before the movement gained momentum.

When February 7th of this year rolled in, it was with a heavy heart and a bleeding soul that I watched on, shocked and appalled by the heinous crime that corrupt politicians and money hungry businessmen of this country had all joined together to execute, a coup that has apparently ‘fooled’ not just the Islamists of this country but rather a large chunk of the whole world as well. India and the USA, the biggest mockeries to modern democracy were the first to accept the ‘new’ government in place, not so surprising about India when they would go to any lengths to protect their interests in this country.

On the 8th of February, the fight for freedom once again started with a passion; people took to the streets with the ousted President leading them and the day would go down in Maldivian history as one of the worst days of police brutality this country ever saw. The mayor of Male’ City himself as well as President Nasheed were dragged through the streets as if they were common thugs and Parliament Member Mr. Reeko Moosa Manik was practically beaten to death which were some of the notable atrocities committed by the Police that day, which was later blamed on them being “overcome with passion” for the lack of a better term by the Human Rights Commission of the Maldives themselves.

The saddest thing of all that strikes my mind is how miserably we have failed as a nation and as people who follow a religion that advocates peace above everything else. The Maldives and her institutions that should have guarded the democracy that was at its infancy all failed irrevocably leading to this day where the hopes and dreams of those who advocate for people’s rights and freedom for all once again have received a huge deafening blow.

The human ability to hope in times of great adversity is one factor that would always separate us from the rest of the species. It is our ability to hope that makes us work that much harder on achieving the unattainable and it is this hope that deals us with the most crushing blows when they all come tumbling down.

While the events of the coup that took place on February 7th was telecasted live on all TV channels in the country, those who weren’t deaf, dumb and blind saw it as it was. That it was indeed a coup d’état that ousted President Nasheed from power and that yes he was under duress when he resigned from office before his 5 year term was up. The Vice President then, Dr. Mohamed Waheed Hassan Manik who assumed office on the same day itself quickly set up a farce of a Commission of National Inquiry (CoNI), to look into whether the transfer of power from President to Vice President on that fateful day took place through constitutional means or not.

A lot of dillydallying, not to mention accusations being hurled back and forth later with the intervention of the Commonwealth, the CoNI was reconstituted to suite all parties involved and thus began to flicker that small flame of hope with it that with CoNI’s investigations, it would bring to light just how much of our rights as citizens of this country had been raped and trodden upon by the rogue police and military of this country controlled by none other than the ousted dictator Maumoon himself.

Even though I myself knew better, even then there was a part of me that believes in the inherent goodness of the people that made me hope that CoNI’s findings and their report would give to the people a respite from all the questions that remain unanswered to this day and show to the world the true face of the politicians who had thought of nothing but themselves as they had shamelessly used whatever means within reach to execute a ‘unique’ coup as our very own Dr. Hassan Saeed, “Advisor to all Presidents” calls it.

From the smirk on Dr. Waheed’s face to the smug look on the Defence Minister Mr. Nazim’s face and the relieved looks on the faces of the rest of the cabinet and members of the “alliance” rallying behind Dr. Waheed and his farce of a government, it was apparent from the minute the press conference went live at The President’s Office that our faith in CoNI’s findings were about to be crushed big time. And crush it it did, once again rendering the majority of this country that believes what took place on February 7th to be illegal to look as fools for doing so!

To the deaf, dumb and blind members of the CoNI, excluding Mr. Gahaa Saeed who had the grace to resign and let the people know that his conscience does not allow him to be a part of such a farce of a report, I would like to say, well done. You have managed to severely cripple the country and her people with your deadly report, crushed our hopes and driven us into deep despair over the lack of public interest shown in the report itself. You’ve managed to remove pertinent details, not surprising when the report was drafted by the Singaporean Judge Selvam who managed to do so while holidaying back in his country, and given us all a narrative story of how things went down and concluded that everything in fact happened as per the constitution of the country. You have managed to do something for us that no other country in the world has ever achieved to do – you have legalized the change of government through a coup d’état, and concluded that you find nothing wrong with having a President resign under duress. And bravo for managing to call us, the people, dumb fumbling idiots while you were at it because in actuality that is what your report signifies.

While the stupid imbeciles of this country, and I say this with the utmost respect, go on celebrating the fact that a dangerous precedent has now been set in this country, I bow my head down in shame; shame that a percentage of the educated youth of this country still believe that Maumoon is a God unto which the rest of the Maldivians belong to while on the same breathe they conclude that there is no God but Allah. While I let the tears of despair fall, I know that kindred souls out there all feel the same way which is my only saving grace as the day that crushed something vital inside of me disappears into the night, heralding with it the arrival of the dawn of another day in the Police State of Maldives.

This post is dedicated to everyone who felt the same crushing blow I did today when Dr. Waheed came out with the CoNI’s findings with that gloating look on his face – this one’s for you! Never give up fighting for what’s right. The road to justice is always a tough one. And hope, in its most virulent form, always lives on.

Poem: The Dream…

That secretive half-smile that curves your mouth that only he understands,

That odd little dive your tummy does only when you see him,

That inexplicable tumble your heart does that comes only when you are with him,

That a-mile-a-minute race your pulse does when he sends you that special look that is universal but you alone can decipher,

That tingle that slowly awakens all your senses when its him and him alone,

That all encompassing desire that takes root to hold on and prolong the riot of emotions that invades your soul when he whispers the words meant for your ears alone,

That beautiful sensation of being the utter focus of his entire universe knowing you are enough for him,

The ultimate betrayal of waking up all alone, aching for what could have been and should have been, the only thing left being the vestiges and tendrils of a dream that leaves nothing but a resounding emptiness in its wake that brings tears to the eyes and pain to the heart.

Dedicated to everyone who yearns for that something more; because if nothing else we are all human and our weaknesses lie in our desire to attain the unattainable.

Where Did the Romance Go?

Hard as it is to accept the fact for some of us, there are those subtle and the not so subtle differences between the male and the female of a species that draws them together and in turn complements one another. One such difference between man and woman is the fact that while most women crave and want a bit of romance in their lives, men tend to be more physical in their wants and desires. However, as with everything else, the status quo seems to be slowly shifting, but even then the majority of the female population would agree that no matter how hard they might tell themselves otherwise, there exists that little ray of something that yearns for happy endings of the type that we see in movies and read about in books.

This post came into existence in my mind upon a question posed to me by a fellow twitter friend of mine the other night. He commented on the fact that since I am someone who reads a lot of romances (which I unapologetically do so), what would I think to be the most romantic thing a guy could ever do for me. Now this question coming from a man who used to secretly court his one and only by leaving flowers on her bike some odd 10-15 years back, to this date which she has no clue whatsoever that it indeed was him, struck some forgotten chord deep inside of me and got me thinking.

As soon as the question struck my brain, my thinking cells went into a bit of overdrive to come up with a suitable answer, not that I’m a perfectionist – its hardly that. It’s just that I was oddly surprised and moved just a little by the fact that a guy of all people would come out and ask such a question, something to this day which no other guy has ever asked me – which I believe would be the case with most of my fellow female friends, if I ever were to ask them the same thing.

So immediately to my mind came the response that I would love nothing better than to be taken out on a date, doesn’t matter where as long as the guy knows what I want and is not afraid of giving me what I want. I am not talking about the physical aspect of the date but rather the one where every other sense is fed, cosseted, petted and stroked to my heart’s desire. Now this can only be done if my date were to realize the type of person I am, what pleases me and what it is that makes me happy. I’m a simple girl at heart, though not when it comes to my gadgets mind you; apart from that I am someone who doesn’t require much to keep myself occupied and dare I say the word, happy?

But in essence what this question made me realize is the fact that, somewhere along the way, romance in its truest fashion had bid farewell on us and died a long time back. This is not to say that there aren’t those rare souls like the guy who posed the question, who continually thought up of ways to surprise and woo his wife time and yet again that just makes me smile inwardly at the mere thought of it all. But for the majority of us, and maybe because of the way society has evolved, romance and the heady feelings that goes along with a proper courtship is no more. Gone are the days when your significant other would turn up on your doorstep with a bunch of flowers, not because of some special occasion, but because you were on his mind. Never will we get back those days where the simple act of hand holding would suffice, where a warm smile from your partner would light up your inside and it was enough, way more than enough back then.

One reason why romance has died this death and left ‘cynical’ romance lovers like me mourning its death is the fact that everything in life has just become too darn physical. These days, most relationships begin at the point where two people sleep together, where physical intimacy is experienced prior to the emotional ones. Now, the girl if she doesn’t agree to having sex by the first date is labeled as someone who is too frigid for societal norms and most probably will find herself become a disappointed idealist who either would bow down and conform to what the current society dictates to be the norm or go in the exact opposite direction.

In the end, maybe romance as everything else we have lost is as precious and rare as the most expensive of diamonds. Maybe there are souls out there that dare romance their partners, woo them as they are deserved to be and give them some of the best memories that would be treasured for time to come and then some. For me, I think I would continue to skirt the edge of hope and mostly retreat back to that cave of mine where I refuse to be tempted by the thoughts of being romanced, because romance in my honest opinion is an aspect of life that has died a true and sure death a long time back and reviving it in its truest form is a cause better left alone.

This post is dedicated to the Twitter peep who posed the question, someone who inspires and encourages me to pursue my passion of writing and my love for the English language. I thank you from the deepest bottom of my heart for the continued support!